The Shield of Modane

Back in history:

2014, the Franco-Italian public promoter (TELT) is responsible for the construction of the Lyon-Turin transalpine rail link. For the needs of the project, the Fret maintenance workshop located in the commune of St Jean de Maurienne in Savoie must be relocated.

2017, the FRET management therefore chose the Modane site. The latter has the necessary railway facilities, service tracks, a historic rotunda equipped with its swing bridge, composed of 14 covered tracks dating from 1895.

Modane station is an international interchange station where heavy trains weighing up to 1600 tonnes run. Another advantage: at least six different railway companies pass through it.


This new preventive and curative maintenance workshop is proving to be strategic in terms of the capacity to park and maintain interoperable locomotives. These allow them to run on both the French and Italian networks without changing equipment.

The rotunda's swing bridge is associated with a "shield" supply element for the catenary. This, depending on the configuration of the rotunda, its reception capacity and the layout of the garages, is custom-designed. In the case of Modane, the shield is made up of 19 anchor clamps capable of supplying 5 arrivals and 14 garages.

Source: Freight – Auvergne Rhône-Alpes factory


Each anchor clamp is positioned with extreme precision to meet the site's layout needs.

Source: Galland


Mounting the anchor clamps

Source: Galland


The assembly of the anchor clamps on the shield is carried out by caulking. The pins are first heated to white heat before being caulked one by one onto the shield.

Source: Galland


Source: Galland


Today and after 75 years, only GALLAND has been able to preserve the know-how and skills for such an achievement.

In our teams, Alain, a trained coppersmith*, embodies all this know-how.


* The coppersmith's trade is the noble, even artistic form of the boilermaker's trade. It appeared in the 14th century and designates all the arts of working metals by hammering and originates from the city of Dinant in Belgium.


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