Monica Lemaire: “Galland has taken the eco-responsible turn”

Monica Lemaire is a well-known figure at Galland where she has worked for many years. Today, she holds the position of Continuous Improvement Manager for the environmental part within the Supply Chain. Her unusual career path is a sign of her formidable ability to adapt. A value that is valued by our company.


“It was in Constanţa, in Romania, where I am from, that I graduated as a Mechanical Engineer. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, I left this city for England. It was there that I met my husband. Later, in France, my DESS in international communication allowed me to have a more managerial approach to the company. I completed it with a 7-month training in export sales and a module on monitoring and economic intelligence at the CNAM in the 2000s.”
In June 2007, Galland bought the SCEFOM company, of which Monica was a member, and logically she joined the sales department. "I specialized in calls for tender, in collaboration with the design office. The company was growing and these files required increasingly specific responses."

“CSR is not the preserve of large groups”

Since September 2022, Monica's attention to detail and analytical skills have been fully expressed within the Supply Chain, where she is entrusted with projects related to the company's environmental performance.
"The company has matured and is facing new demands in the field of Sustainable Development. Now, to be competitive on European and international markets, it is necessary to be able to demonstrate a good knowledge of the life cycle of our products, their level of recyclability, and to know how to assess their carbon footprint. My main mission is therefore to break down our ranges of articles to analyze their percentage of recycled material. Questioning our suppliers is sometimes tricky, because not all companies are aware of this CSR approach. However, Galland has taken this eco-responsible turn with determination: our aluminum arms are 100% recyclable, but this is not the case for the fiberglass that partly makes up our section insulators... Also, we are closely studying the recycling channels for this material and we favor service providers in the region to limit transport as much as possible. We also participate in working groups with other companies on the latest methods to optimize our carbon footprint and professionalize our environmental approach. Ultimately, Galland would like to give its customers the choice of investing in its standard products or in a range of eco-designed products.

An innovative approach which, according to Monica, draws on the strengths of Galland: "CSR is not the preserve of large groups. It is also a concern of family businesses like ours, where decision-making is facilitated. Last year we obtained environmental certification 14 001 and we continue to improve."


His family situation

I am the mother of two girls adopted from Vietnam, we live in Libourne and we are happy in this city.

His Hobbies

Hiking and baking. In 2015, I took and obtained my CAP in pastry making as an independent candidate. I treated my colleagues to a lemon tart. They tell me about it

Again !

His mantra

Sartre said, "We are our choices." I completely agree with this formula.