2003-2022: the boom of the “export” years

While Galland's participation in the epic tunnel under the Manche marked the beginning of its international expansion, it was during the 2000s that the company strengthened its presence worldwide. The reason for this expansion? A move to the French countryside...

2003: the new site of La Lande-de-Fronsac

The Choisy-le-Roi factory has become a hindrance to the company's progress. Galland moves to La-Lande-de-Fronsac, in Gironde. Ease of access, delivery, traceability and a more coherent manufacturing process: the vast site allows for internal reorganization and optimization of the production tool.


2006: Galland is labeled ISO 9001.


2006-2022: Galland in the world

Galland expertise and products are exported to many countries: China, Korea, but also India, Spain, Germany, Maghreb, Bulgaria, Northern Europe, Canada, Australia and South Africa.

Closer to home, in Belgium, Galland designs and creates the catenary in aluminium rather than in galvanised steel as is usually done in France. Today, it is also aluminium that is found on most foreign rail networks. An experience that large installation groups such as Colas, Cegelec or Alstom buy from us to equip the networks they build in Egypt, Turkey and elsewhere…


2007: ever faster!

On April 3, 2007, the TGV reached 574.8 km/h on the LGV Est Européenne. A new world record approved on Galland catenary equipment, still as light and strong as ever. That day, the line tension had been doubled to support the traction of the pantograph.


2022… and after

Galland is already present in Canada, but is now looking to the United States and South America, where the company is responding to new calls for tender. You can't stop a locomotive that's going strong, especially when it's been running at full speed for 75 years!