One year of pandemic: what is the assessment for Galland?


Despite the health and then economic crisis that continues throughout the world, Galland has managed to stay on track. In a constrained context, the company has adapted and demonstrated agility. Interview with Dominique Bec, Strategy & Development Director.

After the shock of the first few days of lockdown, Galland reacted. First decision: invest in equipment to ensure that some of the employees could work remotely. On the manufacturing site, everything was done to ensure that production continued. “Respecting our deadlines means respecting our customers,” emphasizes Dominique Bec. “There were many orders in progress and they had to be honored. There was no question of falling behind.”
Fortunately, the company had a large stock of parts which allowed it to work without interruption and on a voluntary basis: "We must recognise the courage of the employees who agreed to continue working on site."

"We leave nothing to chance"

On site, barrier gestures are strictly applied, masks and gel are distributed, social distancing is respected and soap dispensers are installed at strategic points in the company. Lunch break times are arranged so that employees can eat in the canteen, but at times arranged for the occasion.
"We leave nothing to chance: every morning, employees take their temperature and the offices are systematically disinfected at the end of the day. Even the carriers who come to deliver to us must follow a health protocol," insists Dominique Bec.

A crisis is also an opportunity for change... 

For environmentally conscious manufacturers such as Galland, labeled ISO 14001, teleworking, video training and the rationalization of travel have already been the subject of internal reflection. This pandemic is a hard blow, but it is also an opportunity to learn to work differently, in compliance with sustainable development. Thus, the company intends to continue its projects without slowing down: "On the economic level, at least, 2020 will have been a good year. We have continued to hire, particularly in the digital sector, and we have prospects of expanding our offices and our production tool. We are approaching 2021 with the same operational optimism."