
AT07 A - JG1946 ind D - Appareil tendeur rapport 1-5


"Essential parts of the catenary system, our tensioning devices were developed in the first years of activity. After being certified as a supplier to the SNCF, we continued the developments and expanded our product range. To date, we offer tensioning devices using two technologies:
• Mechanical: with AT with pulley blocks, spring or winch,
with or without lubrication.
• Oleo-pneumatic: with the AERO 480 and the AERO 1000.
Anti-fall systems and control strips
are available as an option."

The JG1946 pulley tensioner device offers a 1/5 reduction ratio.

Category : Tensioning device
Voltage(s): 1500 V DC, 3000 V DC, 25 kV AC
Kind : Ratio 5

Keyword(s): AT ; Pulley tensioner

Reduction ratio 5
Max workload. 43 kN
Max breaking load. 125 kN
Reference standards EN 50119
X min 500 mm
L 200 mm
HAS 30 mm
B 40 mm
AT07 Schema - JG1946 ind D - Appareil tendeur rapport 1-5 Shema

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