In December 2023, Galland achieved a significant milestone in its international development by installing its oleopneumatic tensioning device, AERO, for the first time on the Slovenian railway network.
The AERO, a counterweight-free tensioning device designed to maintain constant mechanical tension on the catenary despite temperature variations, was positioned as part of the catenary renovation near Zagorje station. This initial installation was carried out with technical support from the Galland team alongside a local installer.
The compact design of the AERO opens up new possibilities in Slovenia, particularly for its integration into tunnels. With tunnels being ubiquitous in the country due to its mountainous topography, the AERO offers a compact and lightweight solution without compromise even in the most challenging environments.
By reaching this milestone in the Slovenian market, Galland continues its export development and strengthens its position in Europe. This success demonstrates Galland’s ability to combine technical expertise with local collaboration.”