For several years now, at Galland, we have been fully committed to supporting social and solidarity initiatives. It is with great satisfaction that we recently welcomed Micaël to our team, as part of an observation internship in partnership with the General Council of Gironde.

Our mission extends far beyond the mere professional realm: it embodies our commitment to inclusion and solidarity within our community. We believe in equal opportunities, respect, and sharing, values that we put into practice every day.

This commitment has also materialized through the reception of interns Guillaume and Jérémy from Lussac College, as well as Bastien and Fontan from Jean Monet High School in Libourne. This collaboration aims to offer young people a unique opportunity to explore the fascinating field of railway engineering.

Within our company, interns are immersed in various departments, allowing them to discover the many facets of the profession. They benefit from the attentive supervision of our professionals, who guide them throughout their experience, from conception to production.

For the Galland team, hosting interns is not merely about transmitting knowledge: it is a genuine commitment to youth and education, a way of sowing the seeds of a promising future in the field of overhead lines.