Algiers-Tizi-Ouzou via Boumerdès in one hour, this is the travel time achieved after the opening of the new electrified railway line. On April 15, 2017, the Algerian Minister of Transport inaugurated the new line connecting wilayah of Tizi-Ouzou to wilayah of Algiers.

The speed of the train is growing from 120 km / h at the opening of the commercial service up to 160 km / h after the removal of the level crossings.

The Portuguese company SOMAFEL, in charge of the infrastructure works, opted for innovation by choosing modular aluminum cantilevers developed by Galland. This new solution, using end fittings crimped at the factory and standard extruded aluminum fasteners, greatly simplified the installation work on site.

(Crédits : TSA / N. B.© / )