Every two years since 2011, the Eurasia Rail trade fair takes place in Istanbul, Turkey. With about 7500 visitors, it is one of the main railways trade fairs of the region and a bridge between Europe and Asia for the 150 professionals who attend. It was imperative that Galland as a leader of catenary systems be present at this event. We were present from the 21 to 23 June in the person of our Turkish representative Taha Alper Koçer, manager of Noviter Engineering & Consultancy (in Ankara), a specialist in electrification and catenary systems.
How important is the Eurasia Rail trade fair?
It is the international trade fair of rolling stock, infrastructure and logistics. It is the only railway industry fair in the region, but also one of the biggest railway industry events in the world. As its name suggests, it has the particularity of linking the European and Asian continents. The Eurasia Rail fair is the main business hub of the railway industry in Turkey and Eurasia. It brings together high-profile international and national brands, top level speakers and incomparable possibilities of meetings with professionals from all over the region. So it is not only famous in Turkey! The event attracts players from the whole world, in particular from Germany, France, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Spain, the United Kingdom, Kuwait, India and Nigeria.
Why is it so important to participate in your opinion?
The diversity this trade fair offers is an opportunity for all the professionals of our sector because it is the synonym of new perspectives. Every two years Eurasia Rail brings together for three days of business and the possibility of making contacts the manufacturers from all over the world of rolling stock, the suppliers of infrastructure technologies and the railway logistic companies. Leaders of the sector and professional visitors are all present. Not only can they take the pulse of the railway sector but also they can take advantage of this exceptional fair to ensure customer loyalty and to make new contacts.
What were the Galland products you exhibited?
Our stand was dedicated to section insulators for tramlines, conventional lines and the high speed lines. We also had a modular cantilever set, an anchoring clamp and an anchoring insulator. In addition we have promoted flagship Galland products such as the AERO thanks to promotional videos, brochures and catalogues.
Were these contacts at the Galland stand fruitful?
Yes, we fully profited from the excitement of the event. We met numerous railway authorities (national railways, local authorities etc) and many entrepreneurs. We represented Galland and we talked about our products and the possibilities that were made available to us. Our list of prospects has grown considerably! Eurasia Rail allowed us to create contacts that will bring us business in the future.
What are the perspectives for railways in your country and more generally in Eurasia?
Sustainable development is the operative word with us as well! It is a priority in all domains, particularly in transport. In this respect, railway networks being less polluting represent the future. This is why Turkey is developing its electrified railway network by linking more and more cities with high speed lines, by constructing new lines of mixed traffic and by modernizing existing lines thanks to electrification.
In Asia new markets are flourishing, starting with Azerbaijan, where they are investing heavily in railways. Other countries of Central Asia are following its lead, such as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. And one must not forget the Middle Eastern market with countries such as Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrein and Kuwait, who are participating in the Gulf railway project.
Where are Galland products situated in relation to international competition?
Galland products are based on 75 years of experience! Solutions such as the AERO and the modular cantilevers are unique and promote the name of the company throughout the world. But in my opinion, in addition to the quality of its products and its know-how, Galland’s main advantage lies in its expertise in the domain of catenary systems. It is essential to be perfectly aware of the needs of the system for which a product is conceived. And Galland has this global knowledge ! I am convinced that this company will become one of the main suppliers on the Turkish and Eurasian markets.